Superpath/10 Advanced Content Marketing Concepts

  • $29

10 Advanced Content Marketing Concepts

This ebook is a guide to thinking and acting like a senior content marketer.

You don't need any more content marketing 101 info...

...But graduate-level information is hard to come by. This book distills 10 years of experience into an hour of reading or listening.

What readers have to say

"I've never bought an ebook before, but this one is well worth it. Jimmy Daly pieces together key concepts that help content marketers turn tactics into strategies that connect their work to the business. 10/10 would recommend."

David Banks, Author of "Content, Creators & Human Beings"

"I've bought a few eBooks in my time but always get annoyed that they end up being blog posts packaged as a 'book.' This is different. So much gold from Jimmy Daly."

Elise Dopson, Freelance B2B SaaS Writer

"Worth it and then some."

David Hoos, Marketing Director @ Conversmart

"Legitimately looking forward to reading this and I truly don't know the last time I said that about an ebook."

Janessa Lantz, Head of Marketing @ Fishtown Analytics

"The advice in this ebook rings true—good ideas and perspective from someone who has been in the trenches and distilled actionable insights!"

Robin N.

"Concise and immediately valuable. I applied some of the lessons and insights to our content strategy right after reading."

James Mulvey, Head of Content @ Hootsuite

"Valuable material for anyone working with state-of-the-art content strategies. In my case, it has helped me in structuring brand publishing operations. Pure gold."

Bruno Costa, Head of Operations @ Barões Digital Publishing

"Finally, some truly useful insights for seasoned content marketers."

Luke O’Neill, B2B Fintech Writer and Owner @ Genuine

[Ebook] 10 Advanced Content Marketing Concepts.pdf
  • 714 KB
10 Advanced Content Marketing Concepts - audio version.mp3
  • 48 mins
  • 65 MB

Btw, this ebook is free for Superpath Pro members

Superpath Pro members get this ebook, but also:
  • Structured Learning: Get access to our content strategy courses as we make them + get ongoing access to our library of courses—and provide input on the topics we cover.
  • Monthly 1:1 Calls: We'll pair you with a peer each month for a guided conversation designed to solve problems and spark creativity.
  • Office Hours: Join a standing call to chat content strategy, writing, career advice and more. We'll bring in experts on different topics to get your questions answered. 


Who is this ebook for?

It's for advanced (or aspiring) advanced content marketers—folks who are on their way to becoming managers, heads, directors and VPs. You don't need to be there yet to learn from this book.

What's included?

It includes a PDF (38 pages) and an audio version (48 minutes).

What can I expect to learn?

There is very little "actionable" content in this ebook. Instead, it's focused on ideas that will level-up your thinking. Senior-level content marketers don't need step-by-step instructions, they need models and frameworks. That's what this book is about.

I'm a Superpath Pro member. Do I have to pay for this?

No! It's part of your membership. When you log into your account, you'll find this in the "Products" tab.